Source code for quiz.schema

"""Functionality relating to the raw GraphQL schema"""
import enum
import json
import sys
import typing as t
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from operator import methodcaller
from os import fspath
from types import new_class

from . import types
from .build import Query
from .execution import execute
from .types import validate
from .utils import JSON, FrozenDict, ValueObject, merge

__all__ = ["Schema", "INTROSPECTION_QUERY"]

RawSchema = t.Dict[str, JSON]
ClassDict = t.Dict[str, type]

def _namedict(classes):
    return {c.__name__: c for c in classes}

def object_as_type(typ, interfaces, module):
    # type: (Object, t.Mapping[str, types.Interface], str) -> type
    # we don't add the fields yet -- these types may not exist yet.
    return type(
        tuple(interfaces[] for i in typ.interfaces) + (types.Object,),
        {"__doc__": typ.desc, "__raw__": typ, "__module__": module},

def interface_as_type(typ, module):
    # type: (Interface, str) -> type
    # we don't add the fields yet -- these types may not exist yet.
    return new_class(
        kwds={"metaclass": types.Interface},
            {"__doc__": typ.desc, "__raw__": typ, "__module__": module},

def enum_as_type(typ, module):
    # type: (Enum, str) -> Type[types.Enum]
    assert len(typ.values) > 0
    cls = types.Enum(, [(, for v in typ.values], module=module
    cls.__doc__ = typ.desc
    for member, conf in zip(cls.__members__.values(), typ.values):
        member.__doc__ = conf.desc
    return cls

def union_as_type(typ, objs):
    # type (Union, ClassDict) -> type
    assert len(typ.types) >= 1, "Encountered a Union with zero types"
    return type(
            "__doc__": typ.desc,
            "__args__": tuple(objs[] for o in typ.types),

def inputobject_as_type(typ):
    # type InputObject -> type
    return type(str(, (types.InputObject,), {"__doc__": typ.desc})

def _add_fields(obj, classes):
    for f in obj.__raw__.fields:
                            type=resolve_typeref(i.type, classes),
                        for i in f.args
                type=resolve_typeref(f.type, classes),
    del obj.__raw__
    return obj

def resolve_typeref(ref, classes):
    # type: (TypeRef, ClassDict) -> type
    if ref.kind is Kind.NON_NULL:
        return _resolve_typeref_required(ref.of_type, classes)
        return types.Nullable[_resolve_typeref_required(ref, classes)]

def _resolve_typeref_required(ref, classes):
    assert ref.kind is not Kind.NON_NULL
    if ref.kind is Kind.LIST:
        return types.List[resolve_typeref(ref.of_type, classes)]
    return classes[]

class _QueryCreator(object):
    def __init__(self, schema):
        self.schema = schema

    def __getitem__(self, selection_set):
        cls = self.schema.query_type
        return Query(cls, selections=validate(cls, selection_set))

[docs] class Schema(ValueObject): """A GraphQL schema. Use :meth:`~Schema.from_path`, :meth:`~Schema.from_url`, or :meth:`~Schema.from_raw` to instantiate. """ __fields__ = [ ("classes", ClassDict, "Mapping of classes in the schema"), ("query_type", type, "The query type of the schema"), ("mutation_type", t.Optional[type], "The mutation type of the schema"), ( "subscription_type", t.Optional[type], "The subscription type of the schema", ), ( "module", t.Optional[str], "The module to which the classes are namespaced", ), ("raw", RawSchema, "The raw schema (JSON). To be deprecated"), ] def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.classes[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __dir__(self): return list(self.classes) + dir(super(Schema, self))
[docs] def populate_module(self): """Populate the schema's module with the schema's classes Note ---- The schema's ``module`` must be set (i.e. not ``None``) Raises ------ RuntimeError If the schema module is not set """ # TODO: this is a bit ugly if self.module is None: raise RuntimeError("schema.module is not set") module_obj = sys.modules[self.module] for name, cls in self.classes.items(): setattr(module_obj, name, cls)
# interim object to allow slice syntax: Schema.query[...] @property def query(self): """Creator for a query operation Example ------- >>> from quiz import SELECTOR as _ >>> str(schema.query[ ... _ ... .field1 ... .foo ... ]) query { field1 foo } """ return _QueryCreator(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, module=None, scalars=()): """Create a :class:`Schema` from a JSON at a path Parameters ---------- path: str or ~os.PathLike The path to the raw schema JSON file. module: ~typing.Optional[str], optional The name of the module to use when creating the schema's classes. scalars: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Type[Scalar]] :class:`~quiz.types.Scalar` classes to use in the schema. Scalars in the schema, but not in this sequence, will be defined as :class:`~quiz.types.GenericScalar` subclasses. Returns ------- Schema The generated schema Raises ------ IOError If the file at given path cannot be read """ with open(fspath(path)) as rfile: return cls.from_raw( json.load(rfile), module=module, scalars=scalars )
[docs] def to_path(self, path): """Dump the schema as JSON to a path Parameters ---------- path: str or ~os.PathLike The path to write the raw schema to """ with open(fspath(path), "w") as wfile: json.dump(self.raw, wfile)
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw(cls, raw_schema, module=None, scalars=()): """Create a :class:`Schema` from a raw JSON schema Parameters ---------- raw_schema: ~typing.List[~typing.Dict[str, JSON]] The raw GraphQL schema. I.e. the result of the :data:`INTROSPECTION_QUERY` module: ~typing.Optional[str], optional The name of the module to use when creating classes scalars: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Type[Scalar]] :class:`~quiz.types.Scalar` classes to use in the schema. Scalars in the schema, but not in this sequence, will be defined as :class:`~quiz.types.GenericScalar` subclasses. Returns ------- Schema The schema constructed from raw data """ by_kind = defaultdict(list) for tp in _load_types(raw_schema): by_kind[tp.__class__].append(tp) scalars_by_name = _namedict(scalars) scalars_by_name.update(types.BUILTIN_SCALARS) scalars_by_name.update( (, type( str(, (types.GenericScalar,), {"__doc__": tp.desc} ), ) for tp in by_kind[Scalar] if not in scalars_by_name ) interfaces = _namedict( map(partial(interface_as_type, module=module), by_kind[Interface]) ) enums = _namedict( map(partial(enum_as_type, module=module), by_kind[Enum]) ) objs = _namedict( map( partial(object_as_type, interfaces=interfaces, module=module), by_kind[Object], ) ) unions = _namedict( map(partial(union_as_type, objs=objs), by_kind[Union]) ) input_objects = _namedict( map(inputobject_as_type, by_kind[InputObject]) ) classes = merge( scalars_by_name, interfaces, enums, objs, unions, input_objects ) # we can only add fields after all classes have been created. for obj in chain(objs.values(), interfaces.values()): _add_fields(obj, classes) return cls( classes, query_type=classes[raw_schema["queryType"]["name"]], mutation_type=( raw_schema["mutationType"] and classes[raw_schema["mutationType"]["name"]] ), subscription_type=( raw_schema["subscriptionType"] and classes[raw_schema["subscriptionType"]["name"]] ), module=module, raw=raw_schema, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, scalars=(), module=None, **kwargs): """Build a GraphQL schema by introspecting an API Parameters ---------- url: str URL of the target GraphQL API scalars: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Type[Scalar]] :class:`~quiz.types.Scalar` classes to use in the schema. Scalars in the schema, but not in this sequence, will be defined as :class:`~quiz.types.GenericScalar` subclasses. module: ~typing.Optional[str], optional The module name to set on the generated classes **kwargs ``auth`` or ``client``, passed to :func:`~quiz.execution.execute`. Returns ------- Schema The generated schema Raises ------ ~quiz.types.ErrorResponse If there are errors in the response data """ result = execute(INTROSPECTION_QUERY, url=url, **kwargs) return cls.from_raw(result["__schema"], scalars=scalars, module=module)
# TODO: from_url_async def _load_types(raw_schema): # type RawSchema -> Iterable[TypeSchema] return map( lambda typ: KIND_CAST[typ.kind](typ), map(_deserialize_type, raw_schema["types"]), ) INTROSPECTION_QUERY = """ { __schema { queryType { name } mutationType { name } subscriptionType { name } types { ...FullType } } } fragment FullType on __Type { kind name description fields(includeDeprecated: true) { name description args { ...InputValue } type { ...TypeRef } isDeprecated deprecationReason } inputFields { ...InputValue } interfaces { ...TypeRef } enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) { name description isDeprecated deprecationReason } possibleTypes { ...TypeRef } } fragment InputValue on __InputValue { name description type { ...TypeRef } defaultValue } fragment TypeRef on __Type { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name ofType { kind name } } } } """ """Query to retrieve the raw schema""" class Kind(enum.Enum): OBJECT = "OBJECT" SCALAR = "SCALAR" NON_NULL = "NON_NULL" LIST = "LIST" INTERFACE = "INTERFACE" ENUM = "ENUM" INPUT_OBJECT = "INPUT_OBJECT" UNION = "UNION" KIND_CAST = { Kind.SCALAR: lambda typ: Scalar(, desc=typ.desc), Kind.OBJECT: lambda typ: Object(, desc=typ.desc, interfaces=typ.interfaces, input_fields=typ.input_fields, fields=typ.fields, ), Kind.INTERFACE: lambda typ: Interface(, desc=typ.desc, fields=typ.fields ), Kind.ENUM: lambda typ: Enum(, desc=typ.desc, values=typ.enum_values ), Kind.UNION: lambda typ: Union(, desc=typ.desc, types=typ.possible_types ), Kind.INPUT_OBJECT: lambda typ: InputObject(, desc=typ.desc, input_fields=typ.input_fields ), } TypeRef = t.NamedTuple( "TypeRef", [ ("name", t.Optional[str]), ("kind", Kind), ("of_type", t.Optional["TypeRef"]), ], ) InputValue = t.NamedTuple( "InputValue", [("name", str), ("desc", str), ("type", TypeRef), ("default", object)], ) Field = t.NamedTuple( "Field", [ ("name", str), ("type", TypeRef), ("args", t.List[InputValue]), ("desc", str), ("is_deprecated", bool), ("deprecation_reason", t.Optional[str]), ], ) Type = t.NamedTuple( "Type", [ ("name", t.Optional[str]), ("kind", Kind), ("desc", str), ("fields", t.Optional[t.List[Field]]), ("input_fields", t.Optional[t.List["InputValue"]]), ("interfaces", t.Optional[t.List[TypeRef]]), ("possible_types", t.Optional[t.List[TypeRef]]), ("enum_values", t.Optional[t.List]), ], ) EnumValue = t.NamedTuple( "EnumValue", [ ("name", str), ("desc", str), ("is_deprecated", bool), ("deprecation_reason", t.Optional[str]), ], ) def make_inputvalue(conf): return InputValue( name=conf["name"], desc=conf["description"], type=make_typeref(conf["type"]), default=conf["defaultValue"], ) def make_typeref(conf): return TypeRef( name=conf["name"], kind=Kind(conf["kind"]), of_type=conf.get("ofType") and make_typeref(conf["ofType"]), ) def make_field(conf): return Field( name=conf["name"], type=make_typeref(conf["type"]), args=list(map(make_inputvalue, conf["args"])), desc=conf["description"], is_deprecated=conf["isDeprecated"], deprecation_reason=conf["deprecationReason"], ) def make_enumval(conf): return EnumValue( name=conf["name"], desc=conf["description"], is_deprecated=conf["isDeprecated"], deprecation_reason=conf["deprecationReason"], ) def _deserialize_type(conf): # type: (t.Dict[str, JSON]) -> Type return Type( name=conf["name"], kind=Kind(conf["kind"]), desc=conf["description"], fields=conf["fields"] and list(map(make_field, conf["fields"])), input_fields=conf["inputFields"] and list(map(make_inputvalue, conf["inputFields"])), interfaces=conf["interfaces"] and list(map(make_typeref, conf["interfaces"])), possible_types=conf["possibleTypes"] and list(map(make_typeref, conf["possibleTypes"])), enum_values=conf["enumValues"] and list(map(make_enumval, conf["enumValues"])), ) Interface = t.NamedTuple( "Interface", [("name", str), ("desc", str), ("fields", t.List[Field])] ) Object = t.NamedTuple( "Object", [ ("name", str), ("desc", str), ("interfaces", t.List[TypeRef]), ("input_fields", t.Optional[t.List[InputValue]]), ("fields", t.List[Field]), ], ) Scalar = t.NamedTuple("Scalar", [("name", str), ("desc", str)]) Enum = t.NamedTuple( "Enum", [("name", str), ("desc", str), ("values", t.List[EnumValue])] ) Union = t.NamedTuple( "Union", [("name", str), ("desc", str), ("types", t.List[TypeRef])] ) InputObject = t.NamedTuple( "InputObject", [("name", str), ("desc", str), ("input_fields", t.List[InputValue])], ) TypeSchema = t.Union[Interface, Object, Scalar, Enum, Union, InputObject]